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New York Sex Crime Attorney

Sex Crimes Lawyer in Manhattan - Lebedin Kofman LLC - Criminal and Sex Crime Defense Attorneys - Nassau County Sex Crimes Lawyer

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Sex Crimes Lawyer in Manhattan - Lebedin Kofman LLC Criminal and Sex Crime Defense Attorneys

New York Sex Crime Attorney

Being charged with sexual crimes in New York can not only leave you with a criminal record and affect your freedom, but it can also affect your reputation, and your ability to get a job and seek housing. Your designation as a registered sex offender has the potential to follow you for life. Even if you aren’t convicted, the stigma of being accused of a sex crime can affect how people see you and deal with you. If you have been charged with a sex crime in Manhattan, getting the best possible legal defense is critical.

At Lebedin Kofman LLP, Manhattan sex crimes lawyer Russ Kofman and our team of sex crime lawyers understand the gravity of being charged with a serious sex crime and being dubbed as a sex offender in New York. Our skilled Manhattan sex crimes defense lawyers are your staunchest advocates when you are faced with these serious charges. When your future is at stake, you need the finest legal representation possible.

Let us help you with:

Sex crimes are some of the most heinous crimes prosecuted in New York, and prosecutors pursue them vigorously. Someone who is facing a sex crime charge in Manhattan should never face the criminal justice system alone. Contact our skilled New York City sex crimes attorneys today at (646) 663-4430.

How is a Sex Crime Defined in New York?

In New York, there is not one specific legal definition in the Penal Law for a sex crime. Instead, it is an umbrella term for many separate crimes that require an individual to register as a sexual offender. New York Penal Code PEN § 130.05 lays the foundation for how a crime is determined as a sexual charge under the law.

Facing sex crimes in New York can be very daunting. Sexual crimes carry severe penalties and a conviction for these charges can have a very significant impact on someone’s life. Ending up as a sex offender can have a very damaging effect on an individual’s reputation. It is important to seek the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney at times like these to ensure that you have a solid defense strategy.

Call Lebedin Kofman LLP at (646) 663-4430 to discuss your situation today.

Understanding Consent

The basis of a New York City sex crime is the lack of consent by the other party. This is what makes a consensual sexual act a criminal one. When a sexual act has been forced on another, even if it may have appeared to be consensual, it may be considered a criminal act. 

The law says that some individuals do not have the capacity to consent. These are individuals who are:

  • Under the age of 17
  • Has a mental disability or incapacity
  • If physically helpless, or
  • In custody of the Department of Corrections, and the assailant is an employee of the Department of Correction

Sex crimes cases will have multiple degrees of severity, and charges and penalties will depend on the unique aspects of the case, including:

  • The type of offense
  • The nature of the offense
  • The characteristics of the victim
  • The criminal history of the defendant

Penalties will increase depending on the degree of the charges. They may also be increased if there are aggravating factors involved. 

If you are facing New York City sex crimes charges, it is critical that you get the assistance of an experienced Manhattan sex crimes attorney to understand the weight of your charges and the options available to you. If charges cannot be dismissed, they may be reduced or pleas negotiated, depending on these factors.

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When Do Sex Crimes Become a Federal Crime?

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Most New York City sex crime cases fall under state laws. But there are times when they become federal in nature. If sex crime activities have crossed state lines, or if child pornography was shared in multiple states, it becomes a federal crime. Generally, all sex crime cases involving the internet are considered under federal jurisdiction.

In New York, sexual assault refers to any offense that involves sexual contact without consent. These can include many different types of sexual contact, including rape, fondling, molestation, or another unwanted touching. Sexual assault offenses include:

  • Sexual abuse
  • Aggravated sexual abuse
  • Rape
  • Criminal sexual contact
  • Forcible touching
  • Sexual acts involving a minor
  • Facilitating a sexual act with a controlled substance

and other offenses.

One of the most serious sexual assault offenses that an individual may be charged with is rape, which is sexual intercourse with another party without their consent. Depending on the circumstances, rape carries three different degrees of severity, but each charge is considered a felony.

Although date rape is a non-legal term, it is the term used for rape between two people who know each other. Date rape has changed over the years. It is now far easier for someone to accuse another of date rape, and it will be charged as rape.

Sexual abuse is any unwanted sexual contact that involves touching another’s sexual or intimate body parts to gratify sexual desires. Any unwanted sexual activity short of intercourse is considered sexual abuse. Sexual abuse charges are categorized into three degrees, with first-degree charges considered a Class D felony.

Aggravated sexual abuse is nonconsensual digital penetration or penetration with a foreign object into another’s vagina or anus. There are four degrees of severity, with the most serious regarded as a Class B felony.

Sex crimes involving children are considered particularly heinous. A charge of the course of sexual conduct against a child involves at least two incidents of sexual contact with a child under the age of 11 over the course of at least three months, or if the defendant is 18 years of age or older and the child is less than 13 years of age. The course of child sexual abuse is considered a felony.

Forcible touching is the intentional act of unwanted forcible touching of another’s intimate or sexual body parts for sexual gratification or to degrade or abuse that person. A conviction of forcible touching is a Class A misdemeanor.

Internet sex crimes can take different forms, with most involving children, downloading or uploading child pornography, arranging sexual contact with underage individuals, or disseminating sexually explicit materials of minors to others. Most convictions involve undercover officers posing as children.

In New York, child pornography is known legally as a sexual performance by a child and encompasses nearly any sexually explicit imagery of children involving real children. Regardless of the intention of the viewer, the penalties for child pornography sex crimes are severe both at the state and federal levels. Prosecutors traditionally seek maximum sentences, and most federal offenses carry mandatory minimum sentences.

Trafficking has gotten much attention, with immigration violations often being charged as trafficking. Sex trafficking in New York is considered a Class B felony.

In New York, it is a crime to patronize or profit from a prostitute. The age of the prostitute will affect the seriousness of the charges.

Megan’s Law (SORA)

A convicted sex offender is required to register as such. Failure to do this is a separate crime in New York. Failure to register is considered a Class E felony for first-time offenders, which means that the failure to register may be punished more severely than the original offense.

Once a sex crimes trial is concluded and the defendant is found guilty, the judge will sentence him according to state law. SORA requires a risk level assessment in order for the judge to decide which type of sex offender registration is best for the defendant. This evaluation determines the severity and criminal history of the offender, as well as the offender’s perceived risk for repeating the offense. The judge can then assign the defendant to a Level 1 (low-risk), Level 2, or Level 3 (high danger) offender after the determination process has been completed. This determination must be used by the judge to determine whether the defendant must register in the following categories: “sexually violent offender,” “sexual predator”, or “predicate sex offender.”

The defendant’s risk rating determines the time they are allowed to stay on the sex offender register. A Level 1 offender must stay on the registry for 20 years. Once the 20-year period is up, they are automatically taken off the register. Level 2 offenders need to register for 30 years, while Level 3 offenders have to register for life. Level 2 and Level 3 offenders have the option to file SORA modifications. These petitions, if approved, will lower their designations to next-lower levels. If a Level 1 inmate wishes to be removed from the registration list before their sentence is overturned, they will need to appeal their conviction.

A registered offender can file a petition under SORA to modify their classification from a level 3 to a level 2 or a level 2 to a level 1. The petitioner must present clear and convincing evidence that the current designation is too much or is inappropriate. It is also possible for a New York District Attorney to file a SORA amendment petition to increase the offender’s classification.

To be eligible for “relief”, you must have registered with SORA for at least 30 years. It is better to petition instead of asking for relief. Level 2 offenders can apply for a downgrade from Level 2 status up to once per year, after their Level 2 assessment. If they are moved down to Level 1, their registration status will be removed after 20 years. However, in order to be given a chance, the petitioner must present a convincing argument that the likelihood of future re-offenses is lower than previously decided by the court.

The following factors can also be used to support a petitioner wishing to downgrade their SORA registry:

  • Provide evidence that the defendant has successfully completed a sex offender treatment program.
  • Giving a clear explanation of any relevant changes in the petitioner’s lives since the initial SORA determination.
  • Explaining the negative consequences that the petitioner has endured due to current classification.

A Manhattan sex crimes lawyer can help their client present a persuasive argument and gather any documents necessary to support their petition. A SORA registrant should seek legal counsel when a New York district attorney files a petition for SORA modifications. The purpose of the modification is to raise their registration classification to a higher tier.

If the registrant is convicted in a new case or has violated terms of parole, or any other term of their sentence, a district attorney could seek to modify SORA to increase classification. A SORA registrant who has committed a new sexual offense will be subject to a SORA modification to increase their classification. The district attorney may request an upgrade to their current classification.

How Are Sex Crimes Investigated?

Depending on the offense, sex crime charges can be investigated and brought by both the state and the federal government. The New York Police Department and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office both have dedicated units called the Special Victim’s Unit, employing detectives that are specifically trained to handle sex crimes. 

Local and state police, the FBI, U.S. Postal Inspectors, and the Department of Homeland Security may all be involved in sex crimes investigations depending on the crime itself. For child pornography charges, investigations are often coordinated through multiple agencies, task forces, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Penalties for Sex Crimes

The penalty for a sex crime will consider many different factors, depending on the offense itself and the circumstances surrounding the incident. Penalties will consider:

  • The nature of the offense
  • The age of the accuser
  • The age of the defendant
  • The criminal history of the defendant, especially as they relate to sex crimes

Because sex crimes are categorized as either Class A or Class B misdemeanors, or Class A through Class E felonies, they will carry different penalties in New York:

  • Class A felony up to a maximum life imprisonment
  • Class B felony up to a maximum of 25 years in prison
  • Class C felony up to a maximum of 15 years in prison
  • Class D felony up to a maximum of seven years in prison
  • Class E felony up to a maximum of four years in prison
  • Class A misdemeanor up to a maximum of one year in jail
  • Class B misdemeanor up to a maximum of three months in jail

Anyone convicted of a sex crime in New York can be fined from $500 to $30,000. Furthermore, anyone convicted of a sex crime in New York is required to register as a sex offender under the New York Sex Offender Registration Act.

Available Defenses in New York City Sex Crimes Cases

Defending someone who has been accused of a sex crime is more difficult than many other criminal charges because of the specialization of the investigators and prosecutors who handle them. The best defense requires the skill of a Manhattan sex crimes attorney with particular experience in these matters. 

If you have been accused or charged with a sex crime in Manhattan, you may have legal defenses available to you. 

  • Challenging consent
  • Challenging the memory of the incident
  • Challenging motivation and false charges
  • Proving illegal search and seizure
  • Proving entrapment
  • Proving that others had access to your computer

At Lebedin Kofman LLC, our highly experienced Manhattan sex crimes lawyers will aggressively protect your rights and work diligently to get your charges dismissed, reduced, or prove to a jury that you are not guilty.

Seeking the Help of an Experienced Sex Crimes Lawyer

Facing sex offense charges in New York is a serious matter that will affect you for a lifetime. Your defense is critical and can make the difference between gaining your life back or losing everything you hold dear.

Call the Manhattan sex crimes attorneys at Lebedin Kofman LLC at (646) 663-4430 or contact us through our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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Experienced New York City Aggravated Sexual Abuse Attorney

Aggravated Sexual Abuse in the Second Degree

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New York City Aggravated Sexual Abuse Attorney - Lebedin Kofman LLP - NYC Aggravated Sexual Assault Lawyers

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree when he or she inserts a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person causing physical injury to such person by forcible compulsion. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree, he or she will be charged with a Class B felony. A skilled NYC aggravated sexual lawyer can help you get the results you need.

Forcible compulsion is defined as the intentional compulsion either by (1) the use of physical force; or (2) by a threat, express or implied, which places a person in fear of immediate death or physical injury to himself or herself or another person or in fear that he or she or another person will immediately be kidnapped. A foreign object is any instrument or article that, when inserted into the victim’s body, is capable of causing physical injury. Physical injury means impairment of a person’s physical condition or substantial pain.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the alleged date, the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a foreign object into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of complainant causing him or her physical injury; and (2) that the defendant did so by forcible compulsion.

Having an experienced sexual abuse attorney may be able to help you receive a more favorable outcome if you are facing sexual abuse charges in NY. Contact our skilled sexual assault lawyer Russ Kofman and sexual abuse attorney Arthur Lebedin today at 646-663-4430.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree when he or she inserts a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person causing physical injury to such person by forcible compulsion. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual assault in the second degree, he or she will be charged with a Class C felony.

A foreign object is any instrument or article that, when inserted into the victim’s body, is capable of causing physical injury. Physical injury means impairment of a person’s physical condition or substantial pain.

Under 130.00(7) of the New York State Penal Law, a person is physically helpless when that person is unconscious or for any other reason physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act. Insertion of a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of a person who is physically helpless is always deemed to be without that person’s consent

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution attorney must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged, the accused, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a foreign object, into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; and (2) the complainant was incapable of consent because he or she was physically helpless.

Sexual assault carries very serious penalties and a person found to be guilty of this charge can be imprisoned for years. It is important to seek the help of a criminal defense lawyer right away. A criminal attorney may be able to help the client protect their freedom as well as their rights.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree when he or she inserts a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person causing physical injury to such person by forcible compulsion. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If convicted of this charge, a person will face penalties for a Class C felony.

A person is deemed incapable of consent when he or she is less than 11 years old. The law deems such insertion to be without that person’s consent, even if in fact he or she did consent. It is not a defense that the actor did not know that the person with whom the actor had contact was less than 11 years old or that the actor believed that such person was 11 years old or more on the date of the crime.

A foreign object is any instrument or article that, when inserted into the victim’s body, is capable of causing physical injury. Physical injury means impairment of a person’s physical condition or substantial pain.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution attorney must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged, the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a foreign object, into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; and (2) the complainant was incapable of consent because he or she was less than 11 years old.

At Lebedin Kofman LLP, criminal lawyers Arthur Lebedin and Russ Kofman value a client’s case and do their best to help their case receive a favorable outcome. Contact us at 646-663-4430 to speak with our experienced criminal lawyers and our best legal associates.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree when he or she inserts a finger in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person causing physical injury to such person by forcible compulsion. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual assault in the second degree, he or she will be charged with a Class C felony.

Forcible compulsion is defined as the intentional compulsion either by (1) the use of physical force; or (2) by a threat, express or implied, which places a person in fear of immediate death or physical injury to himself or herself or another person or in fear that he or she or another person will immediately be kidnapped.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the alleged date, the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a finger into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of complainant causing him or her physical injury; and (2) that the defendant did so by forcible compulsion.

Speak with our criminal defense attorneys today to see what options you have and how you may be able to protect yourself from a criminal charge.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree when he or she inserts a finger in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person causing physical injury to such person by forcible compulsion. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual assault in the second degree, he or she will be charged with a Class C felony.

Under 130.00(7) of the State Penal Law, a person is physically helpless when that person is unconscious or for any other reason physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act. Insertion of a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of a person who is physically helpless is always deemed to be without that person’s consent

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged, the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a finger into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; and (2) the complainant was incapable of consent because he or she was physically helpless.

Having a criminal defense attorney when facing charges of sexual assault is very important. A skilled criminal lawyer may be able to help the defendant create a solid defense and help them protect their freedom. Contact us at 646-663-4430 to speak with our experienced criminal lawyers.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree when he or she inserts a finger in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person causing physical injury to such person by forcible compulsion. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree, he or she will be charged with a Class C felony.

A person is deemed incapable of consent when he or she is less than 11 years old. The law deems such insertion to be without that person’s consent, even if in fact he or she did consent. It is not a defense that the actor did not know that the person with whom the actor had contact was less than 11 years old or that the actor believed that such person was 11 years old or more on the date of the crime.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a finger, into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; and (2) the complainant was incapable of consent because he or she was less than 11 years old.

To schedule a consultation with our experienced sexual assault attorneys, contact 646-663-4430.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree when he or she inserts a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person by forcible compulsion. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree, he or she will be charged with a Class D felony.

Forcible compulsion is defined as the intentional compulsion either by (1) the use of physical force; or (2) by a threat, express or implied, which places a person in fear of immediate death or physical injury to himself or herself or another person or in fear that he or she or another person will immediately be kidnapped. A foreign object is any instrument or article that, when inserted into the victim’s body, is capable of causing physical injury. Physical injury means impairment of a person’s physical condition or substantial pain.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged, the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a foreign object into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; and (2) the defendant did so without the complainant’s consent by the use of forcible compulsion.

Under New York law, a person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree when he or she inserts a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person when that person is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree, he or she will be charged with a Class D felony.

A foreign object is any instrument or article which when inserted into the victim’s body is capable of causing physical injury. Physical injury means impairment of a person’s physical condition or substantial pain.

Under 130.00(7) of the New York State Penal Law, a person is physically helpless when that person is unconscious or for any other reason physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act. Insertion of a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of a person who is physically helpless is always deemed to be without that person’s consent

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged, the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a foreign object into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; and (2) the complainant was incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless.

If you are facing charges of sexual assault, call an experienced criminal defense lawyer right away. Lebedin Kofman LLP has a team of legal professionals who may be able to provide you with the strategic and effective defense you may need for your case. Call us today at 646-663-4430.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree when he or she inserts a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of a child when that child is less than 11 years old. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree, he or she will be charged with a Class D felony.

A person or a child is deemed incapable of consent when he or she is less than 11 years old. The law deems such insertion to be without that person’s consent, even if in fact he or she did consent. It is not a defense that the actor did not know that the person or the child with whom the actor had contact was less than 11 years old or that the actor believed that such person was 11 years old or more on the date of the crime.

A foreign object is any instrument or article that, when inserted into the child victim’s body, is capable of causing physical injury. Physical injury means impairment of a person’s physical condition or substantial pain.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a foreign object into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; and (2) the complainant is a child less than 11 years old.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree when he or she inserts a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person when that person is incapable of consent by reason of being mentally disabled or mentally incapacitated. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the fourth degree, he or she will be charged with a Class D felony.

A person is mentally disabled under New York State law when that person suffers from a mental disease or defect which renders him or her incapable of assessing the nature of his or her conduct. A person is mentally incapacitated under New York State law when that person is rendered temporarily incapable of assessing or controlling his or her conduct because of the influence of a narcotic or intoxicating substance administered to him or her without his or her consent. A person is physically helpless under New York State law when that person is unconscious or for any other reason is physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged, the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a foreign object into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant causing him physical injury; and (2) the complainant was incapable of consent by reason of being mentally disabled.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the fourth degree when he or she inserts a foreign object in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person and that person is incapable of consent. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the fourth degree, he or she will be charged with a Class E felony.

A foreign object is any instrument or article that, when inserted into the victim’s body, is capable of causing physical injury. Physical injury means impairment of a person’s physical condition or substantial pain.

Insertion of a foreign object takes place without a person’s consent when that person is deemed by the law to be incapable of consent. An individual is incapable of consent when he or she is: (1) Mentally disabled; (2) mentally incapacitated; or (3) physically helpless.

A person is mentally disabled under New York State law when that person suffers from a mental disease or defect which renders him or her incapable of assessing the nature of his or her conduct. A person is mentally incapacitated under New York State law when that person is rendered temporarily incapable of assessing or controlling his or her conduct because of the influence of a narcotic or intoxicating substance administered to him or her without his or her consent. A person is physically helpless under New York State law when that person is unconscious or for any other reason is physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act.

An individual who is also incapable of consent when he or she is: (1) Committed to the care and custody or supervision of the state department of corrections and community supervision or a hospital and the actor is an employee who knows or reasonably should know that such person is committed to the care and custody or supervision of such department or hospital; (2) committed to the care and custody of a local correctional facility and the actor is an employee, not married to such person, who knows or reasonably should know that such person is committed to the care and custody of such facility; (3) committed to or placed with the office of children and family services and in residential care, and the actor is an employee, not married to such person, who knows or reasonably should know that such person is committed to or placed with the office of children and family services and in residential care; or (4) a resident or inpatient of a residential facility operated, licensed, or certified by the office of mental health, the office for people with developmental disabilities, the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services, and the actor is an employee of the facility not married to such resident or inpatient.

It is a defense to a charge under 130.60(1) that the defendant was married to the victim. Married means the existence of a spousal relationship between the defendant and the victim as recognized by New York State law at the time of the alleged offense.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two or three elements: (1) That on the alleged date, the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a foreign object into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; (2) that complainant was incapable of consent; and (3) if applicable, the defendant was not married to the complainant.

To schedule a consultation with our skilled sexual assault defense lawyers, call us at 646-663-4430.

A person is guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the fourth degree when he or she inserts a finger in the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of another person and that person is incapable of consent. Actions performed for a valid medical purpose will not violate the provisions of this law. If a person is found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse in the fourth degree, he or she will be charged with a Class E felony.

Physical injury means impairment of a person’s physical condition or substantial pain. Insertion of a finger takes place without a person’s consent when that person is deemed by the law to be incapable of consent. An individual is incapable of consent when he or she is: (1) Mentally disabled; (2) mentally incapacitated; or (3) physically helpless.

A person is mentally disabled under New York State law when that person suffers from a mental disease or defect which renders him or her incapable of assessing the nature of his or her conduct. A person is mentally incapacitated under New York State law when that person is rendered temporarily incapable of assessing or controlling his or her conduct because of the influence of a narcotic or intoxicating substance administered to him or her without his or her consent. A person is physically helpless under New York State law when that person is unconscious or for any other reason is physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act.

An individual who is also incapable of consent when he or she is: (1) Committed to the care and custody or supervision of the state department of corrections and community supervision or a hospital and the actor is an employee who knows or reasonably should know that such person is committed to the care and custody or supervision of such department or hospital; (2) committed to the care and custody of a local correctional facility and the actor is an employee, not married to such person, who knows or reasonably should know that such person is committed to the care and custody of such facility; (3) committed to or placed with the office of children and family services and in residential care, and the actor is an employee, not married to such person, who knows or reasonably should know that such person is committed to or placed with the office of children and family services and in residential care; or (4) a resident or inpatient of a residential facility operated, licensed, or certified by the office of mental health, the office for people with developmental disabilities, the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services, and the actor is an employee of the facility not married to such resident or inpatient.

It is a defense to a charge under 130.60(1) that the defendant was married to the victim. Married means the existence of a spousal relationship between the defendant and the victim as recognized by New York State law at the time of the alleged offense.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two or three elements: (1) That on the alleged date the defendant, without a valid medical purpose, inserted a finger into the vagina, urethra, penis, rectum, or anus of the complainant; (2) that complainant was incapable of consent; and (3) if applicable, the defendant was not married to the complainant.

Registry for Sexual Abuse Offenses

Anyone convicted in the first degree of aggravated sexual assault will have to be registered as a sex offender. Based on how serious the offense is, the judge will classify the accused as either a Level 1, 2, or 3 sex offender. The registry will keep Level 1 offenders for at least 20 years. Levels 2 and 3 will be kept on the registry for life. The names of Level 2 and 3 offenders are included in the public directory for sex offenses. Anyone can search the database online to find their names. Each year all registered sex offenders have to verify their addresses with the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Level 3 offenders need to do this every 90 days. The DCJS must be notified of any new addresses within 10 working days and the person must register as a sex offender under the rule of the new jurisdiction. 

It is important to speak with an experienced aggravated sexual assault lawyer right away when facing charges such as aggravated sexual assault. An experienced lawyer may be able to help you protect your rights and your freedom. Call Lebedin Kofman LLP today to speak with a skilled NYC aggravated assault attorney.


Charges of sexual assault can make a huge impact on a person’s life. A conviction can take away employment, professional license, education, and many other things. If a person is facing sexual assault charges, it is important to seek the help of an experienced sexual assault defense lawyer right away. Having a skilled attorney may be able to help the person understand their rights and protect their freedom.

To schedule a consultation with our sexual assault attorneys, call Lebedin Kofman LLP at 646-663-4430 today.

Criminal Sexual Act

New York Sex Crimes Lawyers Fighting for You

Under New York State law, a person is guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree when he or she engages in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with another person by forcible compulsion. If a person is found guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree, he or she will be charged with a Class B felony. If you have been charged with this crime, call the New York sex crimes lawyers at Lebedin Kofman LLP. Call (646) 663-4430 and schedule a free consultation today.

Under 130.00(2)(a) of the New York State Penal Law, oral sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the anus, or the mouth and the vulva or vagina. Under 130.00(2)(b), anal sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the penis and anus.

Forcible compulsion is defined as the intentional compulsion either by (1) the use of physical force; or (2) by a threat, express or implied, which places a person in fear of immediate death or physical injury to himself or herself or another person or in fear that he or she or another person will immediately be kidnapped.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the alleged date, the defendant engaged in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with the complainant; and (2) the defendant did so without complainant’s consent by the use of forcible compulsion.

Physical Helplessness 130.50(2)

Under New York State law, a person is guilty of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree when he or she engages in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with another person who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless. If a person is found guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree, he or she will be charged with a Class B felony.

Under 130.00(2)(a) of the New York State Penal Law, oral sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the anus, or the mouth and the vulva or vagina. Under 130.00(2)(b), anal sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the penis and anus.

Under 130.00(7) of the New York State Penal Law, a person is physically helpless when that person is unconscious or for any other reason physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act. Oral or anal sexual conduct with a person who is physically helpless is always deemed to be without that person’s consent.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the alleged date, the defendant engaged in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with complainant; and (2) the complainant was incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless.

Complainant Less Than 11 Years Old 130.50(3)

Under New York State law, a person is guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree when he or she engages in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with another person who is less than 11 years old. If a person is found guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree, he or she will be charged with a Class B felony.

Under 130.00(2)(a) of the New York State Penal Law, oral sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the anus, or the mouth and the vulva or vagina. Under 130.00(2)(b), anal sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the penis and anus.

Oral or anal sexual conduct takes place without another’s consent when that person is deemed incapable of consent by the law. A person is incapable of consenting to oral or anal sexual conduct when he or she is less than 11 years old. New York State Penal Law deems oral or anal sexual conduct with a person under 11 years of age to be without that person’s consent, even if in fact that person did consent.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt two elements: (1) That on the date alleged, the defendant engaged in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with complainant; and (2) the complainant was less than 11 years old.

Complainant Less Than 13/Defendant 18 or More 130.50(4)

Under New York State law, a person is guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree when he or she engages in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with another person who is less than 13 years old and the actor is 18 years old or more. Under 130.00(2)(b), anal sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the penis and anus.

Under 130.00(2)(a) of the New York State Penal Law, oral sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the anus, or the mouth and the vulva or vagina. Under 130.00(2)(b), anal sexual conduct means conduct between persons consisting of contact between the penis and anus.

Oral or anal sexual conduct takes place without another’s consent when that person is deemed incapable of consent by the law. A person is incapable of consenting to oral or anal sexual conduct when he or she is less than 13 years old. New York State Penal Law deems oral or anal sexual conduct with a person under 13 years of age to be without that person’s consent, even if in fact that person did consent.

It is not a defense to this charge that the actor did not know that the person with whom the actor had sexual intercourse was less than 13 years old or that the actor believed that such person was 13 years old or more on the date of the crime.

To be found guilty of this crime, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt three elements: (1) That on the date alleged, the defendant engaged in oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct with complainant; (2) the complainant was incapable of consent because he or she was less than 13 years old; and (3) the defendant was 18 years old or more.

Call our New York sex crimes attorneys at (646) 663-4430 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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