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Experienced NYC Reckless Driving Law Firm - Lebedin Kofman LLP - Reckless Driving Lawyer

What Is Reckless Driving?

Under New York law, you could be charged with reckless driving if you drive a motor vehicle and you endanger or unreasonably get in the way of other motorists.

Actions that may constitute reckless driving include:

  • running through a police barricade,
  • intentionally driving your car over the centerline of a highway,
  • and more.

Since each case varies drastically from the next, you should speak with a knowledgeable vehicular crimes attorney about your specific situation. If you have been previously convicted of reckless driving, you will face more severe penalties upon conviction.

In fact, your insurance could be increased by as much as 42 percent, according to www.insurancequotes.com. Also, reckless driving is a misdemeanor offense, which means a conviction will give you a criminal record as well as result in the revocation of your driving privileges. If you have been charged with reckless driving, it is of the utmost importance to retain experienced legal defense to avoid the harsh penalties that come with a conviction.

Reckless driving attorney Russ Kofman and his team of New York City vehicular crimes lawyers at Lebedin Kofman LLP may be able to assist you if you are facing reckless driving charges. 

Contact us today at (646) 663-4430 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation with our reckless driving attorneys in New York about your reckless driving ticket.

What are the Penalties for a New York Reckless Driving Conviction?

If you are convicted of reckless driving for the first time, you could face:

  • Up to 30 days in jail.
  • A fine of up to $300.
  • Five points are added to your driving record.

A second conviction for reckless driving may result:

  • in a fine of up to $525,
  • up to 90 days in jail,
  • and 5 points added to your driving record.

A third conviction for reckless driving could result in:

  • Up to 180 days in jail
  • A fine of up to $1,125
  • Five points are added to your driving record.

At Lebedin Kofman LLP, our New York criminal defense attorneys have years of experience in the reckless driving practice area. As a result, we are deeply familiar with the related laws and procedures, and we have an extensive track record of success. 

Our firm has successfully helped thousands of clients resolve their criminal defense problems, and we can assist you, too. Our team can efficiently guide you through the criminal process as we help you make sound decisions about your future. Contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation with our team of lawyers for reckless driving.

Is Reckless Driving A Moving Violation In New York?

Moving violations, such as speeding tickets or leaving the site of an accident causing property damage, can result in severe penalties. Points can be added to your license, which could increase your insurance costs. Your license may be suspended or revoked for exceeding 11 points, or three speeding offenses within the last 18 months.

What do you do if your driver’s license is suspended for reckless driving? Reckless driving is one of New York’s most serious moving violations. There are also other violations considered infractions such as speeding.

On the other hand, reckless driving offenses are treated as misdemeanors and are dealt with in criminal court, not the Traffic Violations Bureau. A reckless driving conviction can lead to jail time, severe fines, suspension of your driver’s license, increased car insurance premiums, and up to five points on the driver’s license.

You must have an NYC attorney for reckless driving on your side if you are facing reckless driving charges. They will understand both the criminal justice system as well as traffic ticket violations. 

Lebedin Kofman LLP’s team of reckless driving lawyers has the courtroom experience to help you be able to defend reckless driving charges. We are persistent in court but treat each client as an individual, not as a case. This allows us to provide the personalized counsel they deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation regarding your reckless driving and speeding ticket in New York.

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Other Traffic Violations in New York

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The following traffic violations could land you in jail in New York.

  • Speeding
  • Overdue parking meter
  • Not using a turn signal
  • Parking in a handicapped zone without authorization
  • Making obscene gestures and over-aggressive driving
  • Improper stopping at a stop sign
  • Improper yielding to a yellow light
  • Cutting off another vehicle

If you are facing traffic violations, it may important to seek the legal advice of an experienced traffic law attorney to help ensure that you are making the right steps. Having a lawyer may also be able to help you understand your rights and avoid paying fines or doing jail time.

Lebedin Kofman LLP may be able to provide the legal assistance you need if you are facing reckless driving and speeding traffic tickets. Drivers who are facing these charges can face harsh penalties in the state of New York. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team of New York attorneys.

Possible Defenses To Avoid a New York City Reckless Driving Charge

Reckless driving tickets in New York can be more difficult to fight than regular tickets. Reckless driving (VTL 1212), which is a criminal offense, will most likely require an appearance in court. Furthermore, district attorneys and judges are more rigid when it comes to negotiating reckless driving.

Because of the severe nature of these punishments, it’s important to be familiar with some of the most common defenses that can prevent reckless driving convictions from affecting one’s driving record.

To convict someone of reckless driving, the prosecution must be able to provide evidence showing that the person did the act with more than just mere negligence. To determine whether reckless driving is a case of unreasonable interference or endangerment, the prosecution must also show that there are “additional aggravating acts or circumstances beyond a single violation of a rule of the road.”

One good defense that NYC traffic ticket attorneys raise is that there were no additional aggravating acts beyond the bounds of a mere traffic violation. If the defense lawyer can prove that the driver only violated a speeding and lane-changing law, without engaging in any unusual or unusual conduct, then the driver may be able to get the reckless driving case dismissed or significantly reduced.

Another defense against VTL1212 that is also valid is the fact that the driver was driving reasonably. This defense presumes that the driver did not drink and drive, or swerve along the road. A good defense lawyer will still use the precise language in the statute to prove that the driver did not pose a danger to others on the roadway and/or was operating reasonably under the circumstances.

A great defense attorney may also be able to defend against police misconduct and blatant abuses of power. This defense, although it will not normally convince a judge to dismiss reckless driving charges (and may not be believed always by the judge), can significantly reduce the sentence if there is solid evidence.

Being reckless when driving can result in you facing harsh penalties in the state of New York. If you are facing reckless driving or speeding charges, it is important to seek the legal representation of an experienced New York attorney. A skilled New York City lawyer may be able to help you explore all the avenues possible to avoid penalties.

Contact Lebedin Kofman LLP today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney.

Getting the Legal Advice of Skilled Lawyers for Driving Offenses Such as Reckless Driving and Speeding

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If you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL), reckless driving is considered a “serious traffic violation.” If you have been convicted of two serious traffic violations within three years, you face a CDL suspension of up to 60 days. Regardless of your situation, contact Lebedin Kofman LLP and schedule a free consultation. Our reckless driving lawyers in New York can take a look at your case and help you determine the best way to proceed.

Lebedin Kofman Llp Is The Law Firm Who May Be Able To Help With Reckless Driving Charges

A reckless driving charge can have a huge impact on a person’s life and finances. Fines for a reckless driving charge can be expensive. Similar to speeding, reckless drivers may be subject to jail time especially if they end up being involved in an accident in New York. If you are facing charges of reckless driving, you need to seek the help of an experienced attorney right away.

Lebedin Kofman LLP has a team of experienced New York misdemeanor attorneys who have enough courtroom experience to help you create a solid defense for your case. If you need a New York reckless driving lawyer, call us today at (646) 663-4430.

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