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Title IX Defense Attorneys - Lebedin Kofman LLP - Criminal Defense Lawyers

Title IX Attorneys Protecting the Rights of University Students

If a student is accused of sexual assault on a college or university campus, the school will conduct an investigation and hold a hearing to determine whether or not the claims are substantiated. Because educational institutions are concerned with protecting themselves, they often harshly pursue these types of cases, and innocent students could be punished.

If you or a loved one was accused of sexual misconduct at their school, our defense lawyers at Lebedin Kofman LLP are here to provide the legal representation you need. We have extensive legal experience and will guide you through every step of the process. Having an experienced title IX defense attorney may be able to help you understand your rights and protect your freedom.

At Lebedin Kofman LLP, title IX defense attorneys Russ Kofman and Arthur Lebedin together with their team of legal professionals may be able to help if you are facing charges of sexual assault or other sexual complaints on the campus. Call us today at (646) 663 4430.

Title IX Violations

Title IX complaints cover a wide range of sex discrimination, which goes beyond sexual harassment or assault. The two aforementioned are the most common types of allegations however, in general, Title IX violations include:

  • Dating violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Completed or attempted rape
  • Unwanted sexual touching or fondling
  • Forcing the victim to perform sexual acts
  • Stalking
  • Conduct that is unwelcome, persistent, and offensive, and prevents a person from equal access to a program or activity in education.
  • Utilizing educational benefits in exchange for participation in unwanted or unwelcome sexual conduct harassment

This could include giving students failing grades, preventing them from participating in school activities, and threatening to suspend, expel or expel anyone who violates their Title IX rights. You can also consider the following examples of illegal retaliation:

  • Student-athletes not getting enough playtime
  • Being held to unfair, higher standards than others
  • Being demoted to a lower position in an academic, athletic, or employment setting

Bullying, harassment, and other forms of bullying create an unfriendly environment in which students and school administrators can function. Discriminatory or sexual situations can create fear and intimidation, which can lead to a hostile environment. A person might be denied participation in or restricted from certain activities, programs, or jobs as a result. These are some examples of actions that can foster a hostile environment:

  • Slurs
  • Taunts/name-calling
  • Stereotypes
  • Gender-motivated physical threats or attacks
  • Gender-motivated physical assaults

At Lebedin Kofman LLP, title IX attorneys Russ Kofman and Arthur Lebedin have worked with clients who are facing sex-related charges and sexual complaints at their university campus. Since sexual assault and sexual discrimination are serious charges, universities are making sure that they are taking these allegations seriously.

If you or a loved one are facing Title IX complaints, it is important to speak with an experienced defense lawyer. Having a skilled title IX attorney may be able to help you protect your freedom and your rights. To speak with our title IX lawyers, contact us at (646) 663 4430.

Title IX Defense Attorney Explains: Potential Consequences of a Title IX Violation

Title IX laws apply to colleges and universities that receive federal funding. These institutions are under pressure to demonstrate that they take allegations of sexual assault and harassment seriously, and as such, they have a tendency to side with the alleged victim.

A student found guilty of Title IX-covered offenses, could be:

  • Suspended or expelled from school
  • Subject to a tarnished permanent record
  • Ineligible for scholarships
  • Removed from athletics
  • Rejected from other colleges or universities

If the school affords the student a disciplinary hearing, they have the opportunity to present their side of the story and challenge the accusations. With so much at stake in these matters, it’s important that the student have a lawyer on their side who can advise them about how to proceed. Our team knows how to conduct thorough investigations of these types of cases and defend against allegations.

Retain The Services of an Experienced Title IX Defense Lawyer Today

The process for pursuing Title IX cases might vary between schools, making these complicated matters. Our New York City attorneys will help you build a solid sex crime defense strategy, and understand the procedures, your rights, and the potential consequences based on the outcomes of the hearing. We will also advise you on how to present the facts of the case in a compelling manner.

At Lebedin Kofman LLP, we will work toward a favorable outcome on your behalf. Call us today at  (646) 663 4430 to speak with a criminal defense attorney about your case.

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